We’re using a new technology
Good in smart organic services
Reforming in the systems
Agrois is the largest global organic farm.
In 1971, a small group of Japanese-American growers met in Fowler, California to discuss the mounting problems being faced by California agriculture. It was a turbulent time. The newly formed United Farm Workers labor union was increasing pressure on farms throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Growers were struggling daily with picketing, boycotts and changes to the state labor law. The group talked about the need to unify growers and to establish a rapid-response support network to protect growers property and farm workers ability to work. Within months more growers joined the discussion; a meeting was held and an organization was formed, taking its name from the term for second-generation Japanese-American “Nisei.”
Complex labor regulations and related workplace issues are a reality of California agriculture today. The NFL staff maintains an up-to-date working knowledge of these issues and assists our members in understanding and staying in compliance with these sometimes daunting regulations and requirements.
We have an in-house attorney, Peter Aguayo who focuses on Labor & Immigration. Our staff assists with DACA, Petitioning for Permanent Resident, Naturalization and Citizenship applications. Consultations are free, contact Luis Ramirez, Labor & Immigration Case Worker/ Translator at,
Agriculture Professional Leader
For several years the NFL
In 1971, a small group of Japanese-American growers met in Fowler, California to discuss the mounting problems being faced by California agriculture. It was a turbulent time. The newly formed United Farm Workers labor union was increasing pressure on farms throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Growers were struggling daily with picketing, boycotts and changes to the state labor law. The group talked about the need to unify growers and to establish a rapid-response support network to protect growers property and farm workers ability to work. Within months more growers joined the discussion; a meeting was held and an organization was formed, taking its name from the term for second-generation Japanese-American “Nisei.”
Agriculture Professional Leader
Nisei Farmers League has been part of many battles for our growers to have the needs and requirements for our Central Valley water. From water quality requirements and ability of storage and groundwater. Sigma replacement and Federal requirements.
The Nisei Farmers League works on legislation that affects the use and management of our water supplies including groundwater. We also work on legislation that affects our water quality. We work with our local, state and federal legislators as well as the local, state and federal agencies that regulate our water supplies, such as local water districts, State Department of Fish & Game, and the Bureau of Reclamation.
The NFL works with legislators and agency officials
in an effort to achieve realistic regulations regarding worker housing and transportation, keeping these services affordable and practical for our growers. We are also active in the structuring of legislation deal with issues that include:
Car Pooling Regulations
Affordable Liability Insurance
Joint Emploiment and Worker Compensation Issues.
Good relationships
Nisei Farmers League maintains a good working relationship with the Port of Oakland, as well as several other ports.
In addition, we maintain a good relationship with the local air district as well as the State California Air Resources Board and the Federal EPA who all have regulations regarding the transportation of goods.